About The 62A District Court
The 62A District Court is a court of limited jurisdiction. As such, it has the authority to rule on cases involving traffic and criminal matters such as Criminal Misdemeanors, Municipal Civil Infractions, Parking Violations, Traffic Civil Infractions, and Traffic Misdemeanors.
Misdemeanors are cases that do not carry a penalty of more than $1,000.00 in fines or one year in jail. Cases that exceed those limits are called Felonies.The court holds Preliminary Exams on Felony cases to determine if there is sufficient evidence to move the case to the Circuit Court, which is ultimately the court having jurisdiction over such matters.
District Courts also handle civil matters that include: General Civil Cases up to $25,000.00, Landlord-Tenant Cases, and Small Claims Cases up to $7,000.00.
62A District Court Judges
Roles & Duties
All courts have a Chief Judge that is responsible for the overall operation of the court. In multiple judge courts there is usually a Chief Judge Pro Tem assigned to assist the Chief Judge and act in his/her absence. The 62A District Court has both a Chief Judge and a Chief Judge Pro Tem. It also has a part-time Magistrate who handles all Municipal and Traffic Civil Infraction Informal Hearings. The day to day management and overall planning of the court is the responsibility of the Court Administrator.
Honorable Pablo Cortes
Appointed District Judge (November 2005)
Current Term Expires (December 2026)
The Honorable Pablo Cortes earned his undergraduate degrees in Philosophy and History at the University of Michigan and his law degree from Wayne University State Law School. He is a member of the State Bar of Michigan, the Grand Rapids Bar Association, a board member of the Michigan District Court Judges Association (MDJA), the Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission (JTC) and the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA). He is also a former adjunct professor of the Grand Rapids Community College Police Academy and Thomas M. Cooley Law School.
Honorable Steven Timmers
Elected District Judge (November 2001)
Current Term Expires (December 2030)
The Honorable Steven Timmers is an Undergraduate of Western Michigan University and a Graduate of Thomas M. Cooley Law School. His professional associations include: Grand Rapids Bar Association, Michigan State Bar Association and Michigan District Judges Association.
Additional Resources
Are you looking for more information? There are many other online resources regarding the courts and laws of Michigan. We have provided the more helpful links here:
Court Forms
Court forms can be found at the Michigan Supreme Court's Court Forms page.