Civil Infraction Form

Only use this form if paying a  civil infraction ticket or requesting a 30-day extension and/or payment plan.

To dispute the ticket come to court or call the court within 10 days of receiving citation.

You can upload up to three (3) images of citations.
Each file must be of one of these file types: .jpg .jpeg .jpe .gif .bmp .png .ttf

File Size: 6144KB Maximum

File Size: 6144KB Maximum

File Size: 6144KB Maximum

If you would like to make payments to satisfy your fines and costs, please enter your proposed payment schedule in the boxes below.  The court will email confirmation of your admission and/or pay plan. Failure to propose a pay plan will result in the standard “due in full within 10 days of citation date”.

First payment due within 20 days of accepting responsibility and will be due every 30 days thereafter.

Please be advised that an online payment can only be made when paying in full.

Monthly payments must be made in person, by mail, or via the court dropbox. Please include your name and ticket number on the check or money order.

Make payable to: 62A District Court

* Required