Jury Information
Serving as a juror is the single most important duty a citizen can perform to preserve the freedom which has become the standard for our system of government. At the same time, we understand daily demands on your time often make it difficult to serve. Having that appreciation, the 62A District Court has done everything possible to minimize that inconvenience and offer a very simple and quick process for fulfilling your obligation.
How do I become a Juror?
Prior to being called, citizens receive and are required to complete a questionnaire. This form is called the "Juror Personal History Questionnaire". This form is used to select qualified people for jury duty. Once it is determined a person is qualified, their name is added to a potential juror list. Each month approximately 50 people are selected from that list. Persons receiving a Jury Venire (order to report) who have a valid reason for not serving as a juror can call the court to state the reason and argue their case for not serving as a juror. It should be noted that childcare, school, and most work conflicts are NOT valid or acceptable reasons.
Jury Selection Process
When jurors arrive at the court they are given a brief introduction to the selection process and some basic information about what is expected of them as jurors. At approximately 1:30 p.m. the actual selection process begins. A jury panel is selected one-by-one for each case that is ready for trial in the coming weeks. Six jurors are picked for each case along with up to two alternates. Alternates need only appear for trial if called by the court.
Those who are picked as jurors need to call (616) 530-7363 after 5:00pm the day before the case is set for trial to determine whether they must appear in court. Once a juror serves on a jury they are exempt from serving again in any court for a period of one year.