Boards and Commissions Application



The Michigan Home Rules Act states: "A City does not have the power to do any of the following... (f) To make a contract, or give an official position to, one who is in default to the city" MCL117.5(1f). Applications will be reviewed by the Treasurer's Office to verify there are no outstanding dues owed to the City, such as: real or personal property tax, special assessment, property violation fees, and parking tickets. If you’re unsure about whether you owe any dues, contact a representative of the Treasurer's Office at 616.530.7278 or by completing their email contact form at Treasurer Contact Form. City staff work with applicants to help them meet the compliance requirements in a confidential and courteous manner.

I understand my application will be reviewed against City records for dues owed and should a default be discovered, I will be ineligible for a position until issues are brought into compliance.


I certify that the information I have provided above is true and correct and complete to the best of my knowledge, and that I have not withheld any fact or circumstance that would, if disclosed, affect my application unfavorably. I understand that any misrepresentation, deception, omission or false statement may result in my not being further considered for employment, and if not discovered by the City until after my becoming employed, may result in my immediate termination.

* Required