Economic Development & Brownfield Redevelopment

Department Quick Links


Economic Development Overview

The City's vision and/or goal for economic development is to:

  • Enhance the tax base of the City of Wyoming
  • Encourage development and redevelopment for increased economic vitality of the industrial districts
  • Create and retain industrial employment in the City of Wyoming
  • Assist in the rehabilitation of older facilities and/or expansion of existing industrial facilities
  • Reduce property taxes as an obstacle to development of problem parcels of industrial real estate
  • Enhance attractiveness of our community

From a policy perspective, economic development can be defined as efforts that seek to improve the economic well-being and quality of life for a community by creating and/or retaining jobs and supporting or growing incomes and the tax base.

Our economic development team promotes the City to economically-sound business/industrial facility owners and developers, administers economic development incentive programs and prepares cases for the Economic Development Corporation (EDC) and the Brownfield Redevelopment Authority.

Act 198 Tax Abatement

The Wyoming Economic Development Corporation (EDC) is pleased to entertain requests for real property tax abatements.  The process is somewhat complex, but the tax advantages can be significant and staff are happy to assist throughout the process.

The following information will guide applicants through the tax abatement process. In addition to the completed forms indicated below, a simple request letter (via email) must be submitted. Applicants will be contacted by the Assistant City Manager for City Council meeting date(s) for the application. A representative of the company must attend the meeting(s). We look forward to working with applicants and their employees to help expand their business. Please contact our Economic Development Specialist at 616-419-5777 with any questions or additional information.

  • General Information Record
    Select Industrial Tax Exemption Applicant form for general information required. 
  • Instructions & Application for a State Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate (IFT) Select Act 198 – Industrial Facilities Tax (IFT) for data specific to the Tax Abatement process.
  • Signed IFT Agreement 
    Select Industrial Facilities Tax Abatement agreement for business & City Council signatures. 
  • Executed Affidavit of True Cash Value 
    Select Affidavit of True Cash Value document to provide notarized Project details.

The IFT application check should be made payable to the ‘City of Wyoming’.  Refer to the Fee Schedule (Manager’s Office) listed under the Business tab on the City’s home page for specific amount.


Brownfield Redevelopment

Brownfield redevelopment is a vital element of the City of Wyoming's economic development activities. Our Brownfield Plan, established in 1997, addresses properties that are abandoned, idled or underutilized due to the perception or fact that it is contaminated with hazardous substances.  Properties with obsolete buildings may also be eligible for Brownfield activities.

Our Brownfield Redevelopment Authority:

  • Owns Site 36, a former automobile manufacturing property which is available for sale and redevelopment.
  • Proactively manages environmental issues affecting City properties.
  • Encourages the use of existing infrastructure rather than constructing water, sewer, roads, etc. on greenfields
  • Approves financing plans to capture new state and local property taxes resulting from the development and clean up of environmentally contaminated sites or redevelopment of sites with obsolete buildings.
  • Focuses on specific remediation and financing for Brownfield redevelopment activities.

Eligible investments include demolition, construction or improvement of a building after it has been identified in our Brownfield Plan as a targeted Brownfield development.


Site 36 Brownfield Plan

The Site 36 Brownfield Plan can be found HERE

Please contact our Economic Development Specialist for further information. 


HĹŚM Flats at 28 West Phase 3 Brownfield Plan

The HĹŚM Flats at 28 West Phase 3 Brownfield Plan can be found HERE

Please contact our Economic Development Specialist for further information. 


Available Properties

While vacancy rates are quite low across many sectors in the City of Wyoming, a variety of real estate options are available for development at any given time. Please refer to the Commercial Alliance of Realtors West Michigan listings and get in touch with any one of their brokers for more information.

Search Listings


Business Retention and Expansion

Are you an existing business located in the City of Wyoming? If so, please contact us to schedule a time to meet with you and learn more about your business needs. This is the best way for you to learn about all business resources and incentives available for your business.

If you are planning to expand your business, contact us for assistance with your zoning, permitting, and all other related approvals. This will also provide an opportunity to explore any potential incentives your business may qualify for.


Networking Opportunities

Specific workforce development programs geared to a manufacturer's needs are offered via the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) and the Right Place Program. 

The Michigan Economic Development Corporation supports economic development growth in the City of Wyoming and provides the following workforce development services:

Training Services

Funds are available for training or retraining company employees.

Finding Workers

We can help you find employees. Browse more than 4,000 high-tech resumes at Michigan Jobs & Career Portal, free of charge. Join with hundreds of companies already enrolled in the Michigan Recruitment Alliance, formed to facilitate recruiting of students at Michigan and Midwest colleges.

Training Network

We connect you with training resources. Michigan Technical Education Centers (M-TECs), Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center (MMTC), Michigan Virtual University (MVU), all provide services to employers designed to ensure a skilled workforce.

The Right Place Program, teamed with the City of Wyoming, links small-to-medium sized manufacturers to one another, as well as to a network of state and local technical resources. These associations provide a critical link between business and education to help ensure that the workforce is trained to meet the increasing need for skilled workers. The organization has spearheaded school-to-work programs, developed continuous-learning opportunities and developed & retraining and work-to-work programs for workers in transition.


Economic Development Board Members

Tom Brann, Chair

Nicole Hofert, Secretary/Treasurer

Kyle Brethauer

Doyle Hayes

Greg King

Jeff Koeze

Keith Morgan

Ken Sommerdyke


Two vacancies