Community Services
The Wyoming Department of Public Safety embraces a community policing philosophy and organizational
strategy that includes crime prevention and community involvement as an integral part of day-to-day operations. The goal of this philosophy is to educate our community in detecting and responding to situations that could result in criminal activity or decreased quality of life. The department strives to prevent crime and disorder, rather than simply reacting to reports of crimes after they have occurred.
The entire department plays a role in problem solving and community policing, however, the Community Services Unit (CSU) is primarily responsible for many of these initiatives and practices. These initiatives include:
School Resources Officers
School Resource Officers (SROs) are sworn law enforcement officers responsible for providing security and crime prevention services in schools. They work closely with school administrators in an effort to create a safer environment.
The responsibilities of SROs are similar to patrol officers in that they have the ability to make arrests, respond to cal
ls for service, and document incidents that occur within the City of Wyoming. Additionally, however, SROs primary duty is in the school districts where they serve. They strive to employ non-punitive techniques when interacting with students. Arrests are used as a last resort under specified circumstances. SROs work hand in hand with principals and administrators in order to find solutions to problems that are faced by school personnel, students, and the community alike. They are also called upon to serve as educators, emergency managers, recruiters, and informal counselors. SROs play an integral role in education and crime prevention.
Beyond having an impact through daily informal contact with students, SROs make presentations regarding:
- Gang Awareness
- Drug Awareness
- Stranger Danger
- Drinking and Driving
- Sexting/Sex Crime Law Review
- Bullying and Cyber Bullying
Citizen Academy

The Wyoming Department of Public Safety’s annual Citizen Academy is a free six-week program for Wyoming residents that offers an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at how the department operates and serves the community.
Participants will:
-Meet the Chief and command staff
-Go behind the scenes of patrol operations
-Find out what it takes to run the Wyoming Fire Department
-See the latest in forensics technology
-Check out special operations including the K-9 unit, tactical team, and Motor Unit
-Learn about police driving techniques and how officers utilize their patrol vehicle
-Take a peek inside the Investigative Division
The next session will take place Spring 2025. If interested, please email the completed form, found below, to Sgt. Blair Shellenbarger at
Citizen Academy Application
Metro High School Police Academy
In cooperation with the
area police departments, the WYPD participates in an annual summer Metro High School Police Academy. The one-week, 50-hour program exposes recent high school graduates to a police academy learning environment modeled after the Michigan Council of Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES). Contact Sgt Robinson at 616-257-9711 to obtain additional information.
National Night Out
The National Association of Town Watch (NATW) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development and promotion of organized, law enforcement-affiliated crime and drug prevention programs.
The NATW's annual "National Night Out" program, which is held on the first Tuesday in August each year, has been extraordinarily successful in promoting involvement in crime and drug prevention activities, strengthening police-community relations and encouraging neighborhood camaraderie as part of the fight for safer streets. Since 1984, "National Night Out-America's Night Out Against Crime" has grown to involve over 30 million people from more than 9,000 communities.
Each year the Wyoming Police Department actively participates in the neighborhood "Night Out" celebrations. Contact Sgt. Robinson at 616-257-9711 for more information.
Neighborhood Watch
Strong police and community partnerships are a critical component of the Wyoming Police Department's community-oriented policing and problem-solving model. Over the past few years, Wyoming Neighborhood Watch groups have developed as highly effective tools in the detection, reporting and prevention of crime and criminal activity.
The Wyoming Police department provides assistance to Wyoming residents interested in establishing new Neighborhood Watch Groups, and provides support for existing programs.
There are many active Neighborhood Watch groups operating throughout the City. The group participants hold regular meetings that allow you to meet your neighbors and discuss problems which may be occurring in your district, as well as develop strategies and methods for dealing with them. By becoming familiar with your neighborhood, you are better prepared to detect and report suspicious activity or potential problem individuals or vehicles in your area.
If you or your neighbors are interested in establishing a Neighborhood Crime Watch Program in your neighborhood, please contact Sgt. Robinson at 616-257-9711.
Business Watch
Do y
ou own a business in the city of Wyoming?
The Wyoming Department of Public Safety has started a Business Watch for area businesses. The Business Watch creates a partnership between businesses and law enforcement, taking the idea of “neighbors looking out for neighbors” to a commercial level.
If your business chooses to take part in the business watch, you’ll be provided with the following:
- Opportunities for targeted crime prevention training for you and your employees
- A business security evaluation by an officer trained in CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design)
- The option to be provided via email of crime alerts in your business community
- A vinyl Wyoming Business Watch cling to display in your business door/window
If you’re interested in becoming a member of the Wyoming Business Watch, please fill out the completed form and return either via mail or email. Forms can be mailed to
2300 De Hoop Ave SW
Wyoming, MI 49509
or emailed to Ofc Jenni Eby
Once your form is received, an officer will visit your business with your vinyl cling and answer any questions you may have.
Pop with a Cop/Coffee with a Cop
These events are hosted by local businesses and provide an informal setting for community members to interact with officers and ask questions or share concerns they may have.
Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED)
These evaluations are conducted by trained officers at the request of home or business owners. This is an effective target-hardening tactic.
Call Back Program
This occurs when a community member makes a report about a crime, but there are not enough solvability factors present for the case to be assigned to a detective. The complaint is forwarded to a Community Service Officer (CSO) who then either calls or visits the victim and explains what has happened with their case. When applicable, the CSO also offers target-hardening tips and offers to arrange for a CPTED evaluation.