Residential customers of the City of Wyoming water system who have a lawn irrigation system may receive a letter this spring requiring them to have their backflow device tested.
The updated EGLE Safe Drinking Water Rules now require that all backflow devices installed on the potable water system be tested at a minimum of every five years. This is to insure that the device is working correctly to protect the water distribution system from contaminates in the event that a backflow incident may occur. If you have an underground sprinkling system you will receive a test notification within the next five years requiring that your backflow device be tested by a state approved testing contractor.
A Pressure Vacuum Breaker similar to the one shown below is the most common type of residential backflow device on a lawn sprinkling system. However, some systems may have a Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventer or an Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker installed.
Once you receive the testing requirement for your backflow device, you will be responsible to schedule the test with a testing contractor (a list of certified testers can be found on our Cross Connection Control section). Make sure your contractor submits the results before due date listed on your test notice. If you have any questions, please see FAQ or contact the Cross Connection Department at 616-261-3559 or
Below is an outlined map in blue of the required testing area for 2020.