Transparency in government is an effort to make information and data more easily available and more readily understandable to you - our residents, business owners, and visitors. Some of the most important policies, plans, and financial reports used by the City Council, City Manager, and other leaders to make decisions are linked below. Along with public meetings which comply with the Open Meetings Act and access to more information through the Freedom of Information Act, our transparency reporting makes it easier for you to engage with your local government and for us to hear from you on issues you consider important.
Browse the links below or contact the City for more information.
Administrative Plans, Policies, and Procedures
Form 2068-Act 51, 2020
Form 2068-Act 51, 2021
Form 2068-Act 51, 2022
Form 2068-Act 51, 2023
Form 2068-Act 51, 2024
Health Insurance
Retirement System
Freedom of Information
Michigan's Freedom of Information Act (PA 442 of 1976) sets requirements for the disclosure of public records by all public bodies in the state, including the City of Wyoming. The Act states that all records except those specifically cited as exceptions are covered by the FOIA law. The City Clerk is the FOIA Coordinator for the City of Wyoming.