Posted on Thursday, April 12, 2018 | Press & Media, News & Announcements
The City of Wyoming is planning a Community Clean-up Day on Saturday, April 21. The event, set to precede Earth Day the same weekend, is designed to encourage Wyoming residents to maintain their properties and dispose of unwanted items in a responsible manner.
Residents can drop off trash, household hazardous waste and donations for the Salvation Army from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Grand Rapids First Church, 2100 44th St. SW. Plummers Disposal will provide refuse hauling while Kent County will accept household hazardous waste and recyclables.
Residents are asked to enter the parking lot through the northeast entrance off of 44th St. SW and follow the relevant signage. All residents are asked to be in line by 1:30 p.m. in order to dispose of their items.
“Last year’s clean-up day was a huge success and we were able to assist over 400 families,” said Terra Wesseldyk, event organizer. “Our annual clean-up day helps to beautify our neighborhoods and reduce the risk of blight throughout the community.”
In addition to the refuse hauling, household hazardous waste disposal and recycling, the Wyoming Public Service Center Yard Waste Drop-Off site at 2660 Burlingame Ave. SW will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. There are no limits to the size of branches or shrubs accepted at the site; however residents must unload the yard waste themselves and all containers must be removed from the facility.
Proof of residency identification is required at both sites. Some items, such as mattresses and tires, will have a modest disposal fee.
For more information and a complete list of acceptable items, visit or contact the City of Wyoming at 530-7226.

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Press & Media,
News & Announcements