Posted on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 | Press & Media, News & Announcements

The City of Wyoming is formally launching a new master planning process called Wyoming [re]Imagined.
The master plan, which will be used to guide growth and development in the community for the next 20 years, will be informed by extensive community engagement and stakeholder input. The public process will begin with a community workshop on Thursday, May 2 at the Wyoming Library, 3350 Michael Ave. SW, from 6 to 8 p.m.
Residents, visitors and stakeholders are invited to attend and learn about the process, as well as provide insight on local concerns that the master plan should address. Community leaders believe resident feedback is critical as they identify important issues, opportunities and projects for the future.
“The City of Wyoming is growing and changing at an accelerated rate, and it’s important that we take the time to develop an updated plan,” says Nicole Hofert, city planner. “Wyoming [re]Imagined will provide the city with a new land use plan, updated housing studies, goals for economic development, and a framework to guide strategic investments over the next 20 years.”
The Wyoming City Council previously affirmed the need for the plan, as evidenced by its approval of a contract with planning firm Houseal Lavigne Associates who will carry out the work in conjunction with City staff.
Mayor Jack Poll looks forward to the process, noting that the new master plan will serve as a policy guide and much more: “My fellow council members and I are proud to serve this community, and we are excited for what the future holds. The master plan will provide a platform to integrate plans from across the City and region, and it will unite us under a common vision and set of goals. It is my sincere hope that all Wyoming residents will lend their voices to this important work.”
In addition to the community workshop on May 2, the public engagement process includes the following:
- Two additional community workshops
- Pop-up meetings at locations across Wyoming
- Student/youth workshops
- Focus groups
- Interactive website
- Surveys, including innovative digital mapping tools
For more information visit
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News & Announcements