On Tuesday May 3rd, Wyoming residents will have the opportunity to vote on two separate but related ballot measures that would authorize an income tax in Wyoming of up to 1% and lower the City of Wyoming property tax millage by more than half. The proposal would generate an estimated $6 million in additional revenue, which would support additional Fire, Police and Parks needs. To learn more about these proposals visit the City of Wyoming 2022 Ballot Proposals webpage.
Use the calculator below to see how passage of these two ballot proposals would impact the amount of taxes you pay to the City of Wyoming
How to use this calculator
This calculator is designed to use a few basic pieces of information to estimate your total City of Wyoming tax burden now and what it would be if the income tax and millage reduction proposals pass in May 2022. In order to use the calculator select the option that best describes you and fill in the applicable fields. Those that do not apply to you will be deactivated.
Make sure you are using the correct Taxable Property Value. This is not the same as the market value of your home. To be sure you are using the right number, look up your property here and use the number in the "Taxable Value" field. If you have questions about what income is taxable, scroll down to the "Defining Taxable Income" section to learn more.