Historical Publications
Wilderness to Wyoming
2009 Golden Anniversary Book
This publication begins with the wilderness, pre-1831, and continues
through 2008 in a more 'story' form.
Bill Branz
Dorothy Simon-Tibbe
Kelly White
$20.00 plus $4.00 shipping
The City of Wyoming: A History
1984 Silver Anniversary Book
This publication tells the foundation of the churches, schools, township
and city from the earliest settlers.
Dorothy Simon
Charles Vaughn
$20.00 plus $4.00 shipping
The above books can be purchased as a set for $35.00 plus $6.00 shipping.
The Early Days of Wyoming Township
Fred van Hartesveldt
$3.00 plus $2.00 shipping
Wyoming Township 1918 to 1936
John Huizinga
$2.00 plus $2.00 shipping
Ordering Publications
Please be sure to specify which books you are ordering on your check. Checks should be payable to the Wyoming Historical Commission. Stop by or order by mail.
Send your check to:
Wyoming Historical Commission
1155 - 28th Street SW
Wyoming, MI 4950