City of Wyoming Parks
Come out and enjoy your City parks! Here's the complete list of your City of Wyoming Parks.
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Reservations, rules and regulations
40th Street Park
1030 40th Street SW
40th Street Park is a large open green space whose primary function is to serve as a storm water collection area in times of high rains and snow melts. Due to this use,the park is a large open mowed area shaped like a bowl. The park use is secondary as often the park is not useable due to wet soils or standing water. Access in the park is from 40th Street with street parking. There are no walkways within the park.
Battjes Park
1655 Blandford SW
Battjes Park is located in the northern region of the City with a small lake, neighborhood park facilities, fishing, and wildlife viewing. Access into the park is from Blandford Avenue into a parking lot. A second access point is available at the south end from Burton Street, but is not formally used. The park serves as both a neighborhood park and the larger regional area with unique fishing opportunities within the urban area.
Amenities include:
- Playground Equipment
- Softball Field
- Tennis Courts
- Basketball Courts
- Lake
- Restrooms
- 2 Shelters w/ Picnic Areas (each shelter accommodates 16 people)
- Fishing Piers
- Volleyball Courts
- Soccer Fields
- Walking Trail
The above shelters are available for reservation. For rental information click here
Buck Creek Nature Preserve
4269 Burlingame
Buck Creek Nature Preserve is a natural area with the Buck Creek flowing through the Preserve. The Preserve has trailhead parking, a restroom and pavilion building, a half-mile boardwalk and informal natural surfaced pathways. A paved pathway also begins at the parking lot and links to the adjacent Lemery Park. Access to the park is from Burlingame Avenue into the parking lot. The nature preserve is adjacent to Kent County's Palmer Park.
Amenities include:
- Nature Building
- Boardwalk
- Walking Trail
- Restrooms
- Picnic Area
- Fishing
Ferrand Park
4760 Byron Center SW
Ferrand Park is a small neighborhood park with a shady oak canopy and neighborhood park facilities. The park also serves as a storm water collection area during large rains. The tree canopy is protected by a deed restriction that prohibits the removal of any trees unless in a dead or unsafe condition. Access to the park is through two connecting walkways from the neighborhood, or from the sidewalk along Byron Center Avenue.
Amenities include:
- Pre-School Playground
- Playground Equipment
Frog Hollow
2050 Metro Court
Frog Hollow is a universally accessible park focused on play. The park includes a large play area, shelter, restroom and parking. Frog Hollow is located adjacent to the Metro Health Campus. Access to the park is through the Health Campus on Metro Way. Most visitors arrive by vehicle, but public bus service is also available. The park may be accessed from the M-6 Bike Trail at the corner of Byron Center Ave. and Metro Way. The park was constructed in 2005.
Amenities include:
- Universally Accessible Playground Equipment
- Shelter (accommodates 40 people, First-come, First-serve)
George P. Tilma Nature Preserve
2100 Sheri Lynn Drive
The George P. Tilma Nature Preserve is a significant natural resource within the City with old growth forest and wetlands covering the property. The property is entirely undeveloped with informal trails. Access into the Preserve is pedestrian only from Sheri Lynn Drive and Chateau Drive.
Gezon Park
Gezon Park is currently developed at two separate ends of the park property. The north end of the park serves as a neighborhood park. The south end of the park is an active sports park. Gezon Park is located in an area of rapid growth within the City. Access to the park is from Gezon Street at the south end and from 52nd Street at the north end of the property. The City of Wyoming Water Treatment Plant is located adjacent to the park on the City property.
5651 Gezon Ct.-Gezon Sports Complex (south end)
Amenities include:
- Baseball Fields
- Softball Fields
- Football Fields
- Restrooms
- Splash Pad (June 1-Labor Day, operates 10 am-8 pm everyday)
- Picnic Shelter (accommodates 75 + electricity)
1940 52nd St SW-Neighborhood Park (north end)
Amenities include:
- Basketball Courts
- Picnic Shelter (accommodates 8 people)
- Playground
- Walking Trail
The above shelter is available for reservation. For rental information click here
Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide input throughout the Gezon Park master plan development process. Click here to see the City Council approved final plan.
Hillcroft Park
340 32nd SW
Hillcroft Park is located directly north of the Godwin Heights Public Schools football and track facility. A pathway through the park provides access to the neighborhood park facilities and to the Godwin Heights Public Schools facilities. The Godwin Heights Public Schools has a 50 year Recreational Facilities Use agreement with the City for the priority use and landscape maintenance the park property. A play area and picnic shelter provide facilities for the neighborhood and athletic events. Access to the park is from 32nd Street with a drive and parking lot, and by pedestrian access from 35th Street, 34th Street and the school property. The Inter-urban Bike Trail runs through the park along its eastern edge.
Amenities include:
- Shelter & Picnic Area w/Grills (accommodates 32 people)
- Restrooms
- Playground Equipment
- Soccer Fields
- Baseball Field
- Kent County Bike Trail
The above shelter is available for reservation. For rental information click here
Ideal Park
5843 Crippen
Available May 1 though September 30. Park closes at 9:00 P.M.
Ideal Park was initially developed in the 1930's, prior to the incorporation of the City, and is one of the oldest parks within the City. It is located in the southern region of the City with Buck Creek flowing through the middle of the park. The park has historic structures including an art deco style bridge, a log cabin lodge, and stone structures. Historically, the park has been a gathering site for large group picnics and family reunions. Access to the park is at the end of Crippen Street with large parking areas. A paved pathway provides a connection to the Inter-urban Bike Trail.
In April of 2013, the park experienced significant flooding which resulted in the loss of playability on the park's tennis and basketball courts. In July 2014 the park was hit by a tornado, resulting in the loss of over 90% of the park's trees, many of which were 100 to 300 years old and the destruction of the playgrounds and picnic section areas.
Amenities include: Map of Entire Park
- Lodge (accommodates 50 people, electricity)
- 2 Shelters w/electricity (West-100 people & East-75 people)
- Restrooms
- 2 Reservable Picnic Sections (Sec. A-50 people & Sec. C-150 people)
- Grills
- Basketball Courts
- Walking Trail
- Fishing
- Soccer Fields
- Playground Equipment
The above lodge, shelter & picnic sections are available for reservation. For rental information click here
Jackson Park
3235 Robin SW
Jackson Park is located near Wyoming Intermediate School. A large green space in center of the park provides for storm water storage for the neighborhoods. When not flooded, this area also provides for two soccer fields. Near the school facilities are eight tennis courts and a basketball court. The small shaded area of the park located off from Heron Avenue has a play area. The southern area of the park is a strip of land that is wooded and extends to 36th Street. An informal natural surface walkway provides access to the woods as well as a route to the northern areas of the park and middle school. Access into the park with a parking lot is off from Robin Ave. Pedestrian access is available from Robin Avenue, 36th Street, Heron Avenue, and 33rd Street.
Amenities include:
- Soccer Fields
- Playground Equipment
- Basketball Courts
- Tennis Courts
- Shelter w/electricity (accommodates 50 people)
- Splash pad (June 1-Labor Day, operates 10 am-8 pm everyday)
Kelloggsville Park
5100 Haughey SW
Kelloggsville Park is located in the southeast region of the City. Access into the park with drives and parking is from both Haughey Avenue and 50th Street and from the adjacent Inter-Urban Pathway System. The park provides for neighborhood use, league play on the softball diamond, and as a trailhead and rest stop for access to the adjacent Inter-Urban Pathway.
Amenities include:
- Softball field
- Playground Equipment
- Tennis Courts
- Basketball Courts
- Restrooms
- Kent County Bike Trail
- Shelter w/Grill (accommodates 16 people)
The above shelter is available for reservation. For rental information click here
Lamar Park
2561 Porter
Available May 1 through September 30.
Lamar Park was originally opened in the 1930's. A new master plan for the park was developed in 1999 which planned for elimination of an old swimming beach and redevelopment of the old "Wyoming Fort" areas. Numerous renovations have been completed including a new Lamar Grandstand replacing the historic structure that burned. The park serves both as a neighborhood park as well as the focus for large community special events including holiday celebrations. The northern region of the park is currently undeveloped,but is the selected location for a future community center. Access is available from Porter Street, Roys Avenue, Chicago Drive, and Byron Center Avenue.
Splash Pad - Available June 1 through Labor Day (10 AM - 8 PM) Map of Entire Park
Amenities include:
- 5 Picnic Sections w/Grills (Sec. A-100 people, Sec. B-175 people, Sec C-100 people, Sec D-50 people, Sec. E-50 people)
- Restrooms
- Baseball Field w/ Grandstand & Restrooms
- Sand Volleyball Courts
- Basketball Courts
- Shelter w/Electricity (accommodates 75 people)
- Climbing Wall

- Soccer Fields
- Fishing
- Softball Field
- Grills
- Splash Pad (June 1-Labor Day, operates 10 am-8 pm everyday)
- Little League Field
- Tennis Courts
- Playground Equipment
- Walking Trail
The above shelter and picnic sections are available for reservation. For rental information click here
Lemery Park
4050 Byron Center SW
Lemery Park provides both active and passive recreational opportunities. The paved pathway within the park connects to the Buck Creek Nature Preserve pathway. The tennis and ball diamonds are used daily by residents and athletic teams. Access to the park is from Byron Center Avenue in the parking lot and pedestrian access with street parking is available from Holliday Drive in the adjacent neighborhood.
Amenities include:
- Tennis Court
- Basketball Courts
- Little League Fields
- Softball Field
- Restrooms
- Picnic Area
- Fishing
- Playground Equipment
- Concession Stand
- Walking Trail
Lions Park
East of Dunbar SW
Lions Park is located within a dense residential area. The park is primarily covered with a wooded forest which has grown in value as other adjacent forested areas no longer exist. At one time, part of the forest was cleared for a small lawn play area with play equipment. Currently no play equipment exists in the park and the primary use is as a natural area with informal trails. Access to the park is at the end of 38th Street with street parking. Several neighbors enter the park through backyards. This park is currently undeveloped.
Marquette Park
1251 Marquette SW
Marquette Park is located in the northern region of the City and serves as both a neighborhood park and a park for competitive soccer. It is also adjacent to Kimble Stadium and provides support facilities such as parking and restrooms for the stadium. Access to the park is from Judd Avenue, Marquette St., or Nagel Avenue. There is a small parking lot within the park and adjacent street parking. The Grand Rapids Rifle and Pistol Club also operate an indoor shooting range within the park and the City's only constructed Dog Park is located on the north east section immediately east of the Grand Rapids Rifle and Pistol Club. The Dog Park has its own parking immediately off of Nagel Avenue.
Amenities include:
- Dog Park-see Wyoming Dog Park below for more information
- Soccer Fields
- Playground Equipment
- Shelter w/Grill (accommodates 16 people)
- Restrooms
- Basketball Courts
- Inline Hockey
The above shelter is available for reservation. For rental information click here
To learn more about the Marquette Master plan click here
Oriole Park
1380 42nd St SW
Oriole Park is a neighborhood park surrounded entirely by dense residential development. The primary access to the park is on 42nd Street with a large parking lot. Pedestrian access with street parking is available off from Oriole Avenue and Havana Avenue. A new master plan for the park was completed in 2006 with public input.
Amenities include:
- Restrooms
- Splash pad (June 1-Labor Day, operates 10am-8 pm everyday)
- Playground Equipment
- Tennis Courts
- Basketball Courts
- Walking/Bike Path
- Picnic Area
- Shelter (accommodates 16 people)
The above shelter is available for reservation. For rental information click here
Palmer Park Softball Field
1250 44th SW
Palmer Park Field is located on the edge of the Kaufman Golf Course which is owned and operated by Kent County Parks and the 44th Street Armory. The park is leased from Kent County, providing a lighted softball diamond for competitive league play. Access to Palmer Park Field is off from 44th Street into a parking lot.
Amenities include:
- Softball Field
- Concession Stand
- Restrooms
- Picnic Reservations for Palmer Park - Contact Kent County Parks or visit website here
Pinery Park
2301 DeHoop
Lodge and park are open year round. Shelter and picnic sections are available for reservations between May 1 through September 30.
Pinery Park is intensely used while serving as a neighborhood park, a regional park, and as a competitive ball field complex. With all of these uses the park remains busy throughout the day and evening. The park is located on DeHoop Avenue with access into the park from a park drive located on DeHoop Avenue and from a second parking lot accessed off from Belfield Street.
Amenities include: Map of Entire Park
- Enclosed Lodge (accommodates 100 people-tables & chairs included, full kitchen-no utensils, restrooms within, electricity, air-conditioned, heated, fireplace-bring own wood)
- Softball/Little League Fields
- Shelter (accommodates 50 people)
- Baseball Field
- 3 Picnic Sections (Sec. A-50 people, Sec. B-150 people, Sec. C-125 people)
- Tennis Courts
- Restrooms

- Basketball Courts
- Fitness Trail (1 mile)
- Playground Equipment
The above lodge, shelter & picnic sections are available for reservation. For rental information click here
Prairie Park
2250 Prairie Parkway
Prairie Park is a park located along Roys Creek with unique forested wetlands and a neighborhood park area. The park has the community's only skate park, a restroom building, parking lot,and pathways through the woods. Access to the park is from Prairie Parkway into the parking lot and two neighborhood pedestrian walkways located on Boone Avenue.
Amenities include:
- Skate Park
- Picnic Shelter (accommodates 8 people)
- Playground Equipment
- Walking Trail
The above shelter is available for reservation. For rental information click here
Southlawn Park
4125 Jefferson
Southlawn Park is located within a residential neighborhood and serves as a neighborhood park. The park is bordered on two sides by Jefferson Avenue and Bellevue Street and on two sides by residential yards. Access to the park is by public sidewalk along Jefferson Avenue and Bellevue Street. Street parking is allowed along the park.
Amenities include:
- Picnic Area, Shelter & Grills (shelter accommodates 12 people, First-come, First-serve)
- Pre-School Playground
- Playground Equipment
- Soccer Fields
- Splash Pad (June1-Labor Day, operates 10am-8 pm everyday)
Wyoming Dog Park
1414 Nagel
Located at Marquette Park just north of Kimble Stadium. Hours for the park are daily from 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. Membership is required and can be purchased at the Wyoming Parks & Recreation office. Proof of required medical records and a current county dog license must be presented to purchase a membership. The annual fee is $12 for a resident of Wyoming and $24 for a non-resident of Wyoming; renewable on January 1 each year. There is also a reduced fee for those that join after Labor Day of $6 for a resident of Wyoming and $12 for a non-resident of Wyoming. One key fob comes with the paid membership and additional keys are just $5. There is a large dog run and a small dog run within the park. All dogs must be pre-registered members with Wyoming Parks and Recreation to enter the dog park.
There is a registration form and waivers (registration packet) that need to be completed in order to become a Wyoming Dog Park member. General information, rules & regulations and dog incident policy can be found in the membership packet.
Veteran's Memorial Garden Walk of Honor
The Veteran's Memorial Garden of the City of Wyoming began in 1995, as a vision of area veteran's groups. With the assistance of many supporters, the City was able to complete the first phase of this beautiful garden when they dedicated the memorial walkway to all branches of the armed forces. Nestled adjacent to the Wyoming Police Department on DeHoop Avenue, north of 28th Street, the garden has quickly become a visible symbol of our tribute to those who have honorably served our nation in peace time and in war.
The "Walk of Honor" is a beautiful walkway that serves as a reminder of those individuals who have given of themselves and answered the call of duty so that we might continue to enjoy the freedoms with which we are blessed. Along this walkway are monuments dedicated to each war that our country has faced, starting with the Revolutionary War. Bricks engraved with veteran's names from each era surround these monuments.
These bricks are placed twice a year: once in the spring for Memorial Day and once in the fall for Veteran's Day. It is hoped that this Walk of Honor will continue to grow and that it will not only serve as a place to honor veterans, but that it will also become an educational walkway for the greater community.
Memorial Bricks are $40.00 each, and this includes engraving and placement. If you are interested in purchasing a brick in order to honor a veteran, please do one of the following:
Complete and submit the online application or by mail:
Print and complete the form, return it with a check or money order to:
Wyoming Parks & Recreation Department 1155 - 28th Street SW P.O. Box 905 Wyoming, MI 49509-0905
When submitting your application, please be aware that orders take 6 to 8 weeks for the bricks to be completed and shipped. April 1 is the deadline for a brick to be placed for Memorial Day and September 1 is the deadline for a brick to be placed for Veteran's Day. If you have any questions or need assistance in completing the application, please call the Wyoming Parks & Recreation Department at (616) 530-3164.