Boards, Commissions, & Committees

Local government is built to bring resident voices to the table to help address community needs. Community members serve on our boards and commissions as volunteers who are appointed by leadership to help the community. Each board and commission are unique in what types of activities and decisions are made. Some boards act in an advisory capacity to help guide city decisions, while others make formal recommendations. Click on the boards that interest you to learn more.

Interested in Serving?

Current Available Positions
We post current, open positions in our vacancy list each month. Take a look at the Open Positions as of 07/10/2024 and see if there is a good fit for your interests.  

Apply for a position
It's great that you are interested in serving! We need community members like you to serve on our Boards and Commissions. You can apply for a Board or Commission at any time. We keep your application on file for two years. If there aren’t any open positions that you’re interested in, you can still apply but it may be some time before you hear about an opportunity. We appoint positions all throughout the year when terms expire or when someone leaves their appointed position. Contact the office of the City Clerk to find out what positions have terms expiring soon.

Appointment to a Board or Commission
Each board or commission is unique. Many characteristics vary depending on the board or commission, like:

  • When they meet
  • How many people serve on the body
  • How long a term is for a position
  • Who makes the decision on applicants who are appointed
  • And more!

When a position is available, all applications for that position are sent to the City Council, the Mayor, or the City Manager. Once an applicant is selected, the appointment is confirmed by the City Council at a public meeting.

Being a Board Member

While every board and commission has different responsibilities. The responsibilities of board members are similar, like attending meetings, avoiding conflicts of interest, and becoming familiar with the issues or activities of the board.

Board meetings aren’t effective if board members aren’t present. Attending meetings is one of the most important duties of board members. Attendance is so important, that if a member has too many unexcused absences, they may be removed from the position before their term expires.

Conflict of Interest
Board members have great impact on our community. It’s important for board members to avoid any conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest is when a person has competing interests. Government employees, elected officials, and appointed officials face a lot of scrutiny. It’s important to avoid any real or perceived conflict of interest to maintain community trust. If there is a conflict of interest with a board member, that member can abstain from voting on the issue.  

Research, Action, and Recommendations
Each board and commission is responsible to research,take action, and/or make thoughtful recommendation to the City Council and staff on issues coming before it.

Open Meetings and Freedom of Information 

Have you heard of the Open Meetings Act (OMA) or the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)? All meetings of any board or commission of the City of Wyoming are subject to the OMA. All records, whether held by members, staff, or the City Clerk’s Office, are subject to FOIA.

The most important thing to remember about the OMA is that every decision made by a board or commission, and all deliberation toward that decision, must be made at a meeting that is open to the public at a time and place that has been noticed to the public at least 18 hours in advance. Additionally, any notes you take during a meeting are subject to FOIA.