Construction in the City right-of-way must be in compliance with City of Wyoming and related standards, and requires a permit from the Engineering Department.
Permit Information
All work being done in the City right of way requires a permit. The right of way includes:
- Sidewalk
- Drive approach
- Curb & gutter
- Water lines
- Sanitary sewer
- Storm sewer
- Street lane closures
Permit fees may be viewed on the City fee schedule under Section IV. Engineering Department.
All concrete work done in the City right of way must be done by an approved concrete contractor. For a list of approved concrete contractors or for information on how to become licensed, contact Engineering.
Construction Specifications
City of Wyoming Standard Construction Specifications may be acquired or viewed online by registering using the link below. The specifications cover all aspects of municipal construction for the City of Wyoming.
Construction Specifications - Login/Register
Construction Specifications – Summary of Changes for 2009
Construction Specifications - Summary of Changes for 2016
Subdivision Design Standards
Contractors wishing to bid on construction projects through the Engineering Department must become pre-qualified prior to bidding. If you would like to get on the pre-qualified bidders list, send a financial summary of your company to the Engineering Department.
Stormwater Standards
Stormwater requirements are governed by City of Wyoming ordinance and Kent County Drain Commissioner regulations, and may be viewed by clicking the links below.
Stormwater Ordinance
Stormwater Standards Manual
LGROW Design Spreadsheet
LGROW Design Spreadsheet Tutorial
LGROW Design Spreadsheet Description of 2025 Update
Engineer's Stormwater Certification Template
Stormwater Maintenance Agreement Template
Stormwater Maintenance Agreement Template - Annotated with Explanations
Stormwater Master Plan (Sections 28-35)
Before performing any underground work you must contact MISS DIG at 800-482-7171 or create a ticket on their website. Law requires a minimum of three working days notice, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.
Engineering Department
2660 Burlingame Ave SW
Wyoming, MI 49509
Phone: 616-530-7254
Email: Engineering