Trail Network


The City of Wyoming recognizes the value and benefit that walkable trails and paths provide to a community. Its investment into 4.6 miles of ADA accessible trails gives the opportunity of recreational activity and transportation around the City Center, connected by the pedestrian bridge.

An extensive trail network gives mobility to those who lack car transportation, increases the use of non-motorized transport, and connects people to nearby parks and commercial activities. 

Construction on the trails to the north of 28th Street began Fall 2024 and is expected to be completed Spring 2025. See the renderings and progress updates below. 


Trail 7

Trail 7 runs along Belfield Street from Pinery Park to Clyde Park Avenue. Being uniquely situated through a residential neighborhood, the City held a public open house on June 25th to receive neighborhood feedback on the trail's design. The feedback created the changes shown below. 


Progress Updates

As the trails continue to be constructed, the following pictures will show the overall progress of the network along each trail subsection.

Trail 3 





Trail 4 - Now Open!




Trail 5 




Citywide Nonmotorized Network

The City of Wyoming is committed to providing options for nonmotorized mobility within our borders. The map below shows the various current and future paths available for public use. Nearby connections to neighboring communities is also shown. This map will be continually updated as this network expands. 

Wyoming Nonmotorized Path Map

The types of paths are defined as follows:

Offstreet Trail - Multi-use path that does not run adjacent to any roads, typically 8 - 12 feet wide.

Traditional Bike Lane - Separated, onstreet bike lane marked by paint, typically 4 - 6 feet wide. 

Semi Protected Bike Lane - Separated, onstreet bike lane marked by paint and protected by bollards or a curb, typically 4 - 6 feet wide.

Side Path - Multi-use path running along a roadway, at least 6 feet wide.