Page 26 - Experience Wyoming - Summer 2022
P. 26


            Teen & Adult                                        SPRING SESSION: Register By: 3/29/2022  Section

                                                                                              Activity #
                                 Swim Lessons                     4/19-5/24  Tuesday  Learn-to-Swim  230301  01
                                                                                   5:30-6:15 pm
                                                                                    The Basics
                                                                  4/18-5/23  Monday  6:30-7:15 pm  230302  01
                                                                               Improving Skills & Strokes
                                                                  4/23-5/28  Saturday  8:00-8:45 am  230303  01
                                                                                  Intro to Lap Swim

                                                                  4/19-5/24  Tuesday  6:30-7:15 pm  230304  01

                                                                 SUMMER SESSION 1: Register By: 5/17/2022
                                                                   Dates    Day      Time     Activity #  Section
                                                                   6/7-7/12  Tuesday  5:30-6:15 pm              330301  01
             Duration: 6 classes                                                     The Basics
             Location: Salvation Army Kroc Center                  6/6-7/18  Monday  6:30-7:15 pm  330302  01
             Fees: $60 Activity Fee                                            Improving Skills & Strokes
             ** Notes: No class on July 4
                                                                   6/11-7/16  Saturday  8:00-8:45 am  330303  01
            LEARN TO SWIM (AGES 13+)                                              Intro to Lap Swim
            Have  you  always  wanted  to  learn  to  swim  but  never  had  the   6/7-7/12  Tuesday  6:30-7:15 pm  330304  01
            opportunity? Did you have a negative or frightening experience in the
            water when you were younger that’s prevented you from wanting to try
            again? You’re not alone! About one third of adults in the United States   SUMMER SESSION 2: Register By: 7/5/2022
            can’t safely swim the length of a pool. We’re helping to change that.  Dates  Day  Time  Activity #  Section
            THE BASICS (AGES 13+)
            This beginner class helps students learn basic skills such as floating,   7/26-8/30  Tuesday  5:30-6:15 pm  330301  02
            gliding, pulling and kicking. Participants will learn ways to be safe in   The Basics
            and around water and how to help themselves or others in an aquatic   7/25-8/29  Monday  6:30-7:15 pm  330302  02
            emergency. Must be comfortable in the water.
            IMPROVING SKILLS & STROKES (AGES 13+)                              Improving Skills & Strokes
            This class helps students improve their basic swimming and water safety   7/30-9/3  Saturday  8:00-8:45 am  330303  01
            skills, and adds new skills such as elementary backstroke, sidestroke,   Intro to Lap Swim
            breaststroke, butterfly, rotary breathing and turns. Students must be
            able to swim 5 body lengths on front and back without support.  7/26-8/30  Tuesday  6:30-7:15 pm  330304  02

            INTRO TO LAP SWIM (AGES 13+)
            Increased distance and repetitions will help adults refine all six strokes,
            learn turns and build endurance. Students also learn how to create
            workouts. Students must be able to swim 25 yards of front crawl and
            elementary  backstroke,  and  15  yards  of  back  crawl,  breaststroke,
            butterfly, and side stroke.
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