Page 15 - Experience Wyoming - Winter 2022/23
P. 15


                                            Ages: Kindergarten-2nd Grade
         Biddy Ball
         Biddy Ball                      Location: Wyoming Intermediate School
                                                 Duration: 5 weeks
                                                Fees: $50 Activity Fee
                                           Notes: Dates & location subject to
                                         change depending on facility availability

         Join West Michigan Basketball’s Biddy Ball program, where boys and girls will be taught dribbling,
         passing, shooting, and other basic basketball skills. Each Saturday will include practices and games.
         All players will receive a jersey.  Email: for more informtation
        Register By: 1/19/23
            Division           Dates                  Day                 Activity #           Section
           SPORTS              2/4-3/4               Saturday               110204                01
              GIRLS            2/4-3/4               Saturday               110204                02
         Soccer Training
         Soccer Training                        Location: North Godwin
                                                  Duration: 6 weeks
                                                 Fees: $54 (Residents)/
                                                 $78 (Non-Residents)
        Want to enhance your soccer skills? The soccer training program will emphasize technical and
        mental growth in the sport. Learn from certified coaches with extensive soccer experience as they
        lead age-appropriate soccer drills and mini games for participants.
        Register By: 1/16/23
             Age             Dates              Day                Time            Activity #     Section

              4-7           1/27-3/3            Friday           5:30-6:15 pm        110201          01
              8-12          1/27-3/3            Friday           6:30-7:30 pm        110201            02
         Spring Youth Soccer League                                 VOLUNTEER COACHES NEEDED: The youth soccer
         Spring Youth Soccer League
                                                                    program, like any youth team sport program, NEEDS many
                                                                    volunteer coaches and parents, so that the activity runs
                                                                    smoothly and efficiently. Please contact us if you are able to
                                                                    help meet this need.
                                                             Players will complete a couple weeks of practice prior to the start of
                          Age: 4-12 year olds
                         Duration: April 11-June 3           games. Teams will practice once per week on Tuesdays or Thursdays
                                                             and play games on Saturdays.
                 Location: Practices/Games: Marquette Park   Ages 6-12 yr olds (practices begin April 11 or 13)
                        Fees: $50 (Residents)/
                         $75 (Non-Residents)                        Activity #               Section
                                                                                 Ages 6 -7
        Teams meet on Saturdays ONLY. Every Saturday, teams practice
        25 minutes then complete a 24-minute game.                    210210                    02
        Register By: 3/16/23                                                     Ages 8-9
               Activity #                Section                      210210                    03

                             Ages 4-5                                            Ages 10-12
                  210210                   01                         210210                   04

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