Page 16 - Experience Wyoming - Winter 2022/23
P. 16


         Slow Pitch Softball Leagues
         Slow Pitch Softball Leagues

                                                                 INDIVIDUAL SOFTBALL PLAYER LIST
                                                                 Can’t find a softball team to play on? Don’t have enough
                                                                 people to start a team? If so, and you are 18 years of age
                           Age: 18+                              or older, please contact the Wyoming Parks and Recreation
                      Duration: April 11-June 3                  Department at (616) 530-3164 to obtain an individual
            Location: Kelloggsville, Lamar, Lemery, Palmer Field  player form.
                        Men’s – Mid-April
                     Co-Ed – Beginning of May                    INTERESTED IN UMPIRING?
                        Men’s 55+ – May 23                       If you are interested in umpiring adult softball or kickball
                                                                 league games, contact us at
               Deadline: 3/20/23 or when leagues are full        Pay rate is $22 per game.

        Leagues will be offered for men’s and co-ed teams. Registration begins January 30. Contact the Parks and
        Recreation office for more information and a registration form after the first of the year.

             Kickball League
             Kickball League

                                    Age: 16+
                               Duration: April 11-June 3
                               Location: Lamar Park
                                Begins: Late May
                        Deadline: 5/5/23 or when leagues are full

         Gather your friends and relive the joy of your youth with this traditional playground
         game. Registration begins January 30. Contact the Parks and Recreation office for a
         registration form. Must have 4 full teams for the league to be run.
              Offerings             Nights                   Length of Season                    Fee
             Co-Ed League           Thursday                   8 games + tourney                $260

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