Page 20 - Experience Wyoming - Summer 2023
P. 20


                          T een and Adult Swim Lessons
                          Teen and Adult Swim Lessons

        LEARN TO SWIM (AGES 13+)
        Have you always wanted to learn to swim but never had the      Duration: 6 classes
        opportunity? Did you have a negative or frightening experience in the   Location: Salvation Army Kroc Center
        water when you were younger that’s prevented you from wanting to try   Fees: $65
        again? You’re not alone! About one third of adults in the United States
        can’t safely swim the length of a pool. We’re helping to change that.  NOTE: No classes 5/29 and 7/4

        THE BASICS (AGES 13+)                                IMPROVING SKILLS AND STROKES (AGES 13+)
        This beginner class helps students learn basic skills such as floating,   This class helps students improve their basic swimming and water safety
        gliding, pulling and kicking. Participants will learn ways to be safe in   skills, and adds new skills such as elementary backstroke, sidestroke,
        and around water and how to help themselves or others in an aquatic   breaststroke, butterfly, rotary breathing and turns. Students must be
        emergency. Must be comfortable in the water.         able to swim 5 body lengths on front and back without support.

          SPRING SESSION: Register By: 3/29
                    Dates                         Day                     Time               Activity #

                   4/20-5/25                     Tuesday               6:30-7:15 p.m.         230301-01
                                                       The Basics
                   4/18-5/23                     Monday                6:30-7:15 p.m.         230302-01
                                                Improving Skills and Strokes

                    4/17-5/22                    Monday                5:30-6:15 p.m.         230303-01
                           Pre-Competitive Swim Clinic
                           P r e-Competitiv                  e Swim Clinic

        A two day a week, six week clinic focusing on fine-tuning stroke technique, as well as building a   Age: 8-17
        foundation of endurance and stamina for longer distances than a typical swim lesson allows for.   Duration: 6 classes
        The clinic will be structured to evoke a typical practice environment for age-appropriate school or
        club settings (i.e. time for stretching, workouts built into time-based sets, etc.). Can serve as a bridge   Location: Salvation Army Kroc Center
        to local club and school programs in order to help swimmers “graduate” to an appropriate team   Fees: $130
        as desired. Must have completed level 5 or equivalent or have demonstrated stroke competency for   NOTE: No classes 5/29 and 7/4
        approval (demonstrate competency and endurance in all four competitive strokes).
          SPRING SESSION: Register By: 3/29

                    Dates                         Day                     Time               Activity #
                                                Pre-Competitive Swim Clinic
                    4/18-5/25                    Tuesday               6:30 - 7:30 p.m.       230305-01

        20        WYOMING PARKS & RECREATION        SUMMER
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