Page 2 - Active Living - Sep/Oct 2022
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     Below is a list of current programs, their room location and time.
     Location Key: EDS exercise & Dance Studio  ASN - Art Studio North  SAS - Art Studio South  CR - Community
     Room  PP - Pinery Park  GR - Game Room  CL - Computer Lab
               ACTIVITY                        DAY                            TIME                     ROOM

               Forever Fit                     Monday & Thursday              10:00 a.m.               EDS
               Needles & Yarn                  Monday                         10.00 a.m.               ASN
               Set Back                        Monday                         1:00   p.m.              EDS
               Hand & Foot                     Monday                         12:30 p.m.               EDS
               Bean Bag Baseball               Monday                         11:00 a.m.               CR
               Duplicate Bridge                Tuesday                        9:30  p.m.               EDS
               Cribbage                        Tuesday                        12:45 p.m.               EDS
               Ping Pong                       Tuesday                        1:00   p.m.              EDS
               Sweet & Low                     Tuesday & Thursday             10:00 a.m.               CR
               Bike Club                       Monday                         9:00 a.m.                Travel
               Rubber Stamping                 1st Wednesday                  10:00 a.m.               ASN
               Walk Club                       Wednesday                      8:45   a.m.              Travel
               Wood Carvers                    Wednesday                      9:00   a.m.              SAS
               Technology Club                 2nd Thursday/4th Tuesday       9:00 a.m./1:00 p.m.      ASN
               Social Bingo                    Tuesday & Thursday             12:45 p.m.               CR
               Euchre                          Thursday                       1:00 p.m.                EDS
               Comic Book Club                 3rd Thurs. each month          10:00  a.m.              Library
               Photography Club                3rd Thurs.                     9:00  a.m.               ASN

     Join us for Lunch provided by Meals on                     Social Bingo
     Wheels Western Michigan                                    This  program  is  for  people  age  50  and  older  and
     Meals on Wheels Western Michigan offers                    features  an  assortment  of  everyday  non-perishable
     a hot, nutritious meal at the Wyoming                      grocery items. The cost to play is $.50 cents per card
     Senior Center. Some favorites are baked                    and the slider cards are furnished. There is no need to
     potato bar, chicken cordon bleu and                        bring any "bingo supplies" other than your good luck
     roasted turkey. Call (616) 726-1274 for                    charms!
     more information                                           Progressive Jackpot Money Bingo
     Date:    Year round                                        Take your chance at winning over $4,000 in bingo
     Day:     Tuesday and Thursday                              prize money each week! Our program features: all
     Times: 11:30 am                                            paper 9 On books, $60 pay out for regular Bingo, $125
     Fees:   60 and older: $3.00 suggested                      payout for Specials and, of course, Progressive Bingo
     donation per meal                                          jackpot. Charity Game tickets also sold.
     Under  60 $4:00 suggested donation per                     Date :    Year Round
     meal. Age 50+                                              Day:       Wednesday
     Discounted GO! Bus Tickets                                 Times:   12:45-4:00 pm

     We offer reduced-price tickets for the Inter-              Walk Club
     urban Transit Partnership (ITP) Go! Bus service.           In 2021, our walkers completed over 1,000 miles
     Funding for this discounted ticket program is              while participating in Walk Club!  Join us and enjoy
     provided by the Area Agency on Aging of                    the outdoors and make new friends through this
     Western Michigan. If you are 60 or older, live in          self-paced, low-impact walking program. Walking is
     Kent County and are an approved Go! Bus rider              one of the best exercises for controlling weight and
     you may apply to purchase the discounted                   improving health. The walking venues include nature
     tickets at the Wyoming Senior Center. Please               preserves, parks and the Kent Trails.
     call the Wyoming Senior Center at 530-3190                 Duration:  28 weeks
     or email us at for                     Location:  West Michigan parks and trails.
     detailed information.                                 2    Age           18+  Bus leaves the WSC at 9:00am
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