Page 4 - Active Living - Sep/Oct 2022
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Flu Shot Clinic New Member A Medicare Minute with
Individuals can use any one of he following Marc: Medicare Basics
insurance plans to pay for their immunization. He Breakfast
or She is expected to provide an insurance card Please join us for breakfast! Does Medicare have you
at the time of service. Any insurance plan not Location: WSC scratching your head? Confused
listed, including Medicaid, will not be accepted. Monday: 9/26/2022 with all the different options? You
Aetna Time: 9:00-10:00 am are not alone; Medicare can feel
ASR Cost: $5.00 M complicated. So please join us to
Medicare $7.00 NM simplify your understanding and
Priority Health FREE: New Members have your questions answered.
Blue Care Network This educational event is led by
Blue Cross/Blue Shield Licensed Insurance Advisor Marc
Cofinity VanBerkum, your local trusted
Pre-register so we can plan accordingly. resource.
Tuesday: September 27, 2022 Date: 10/6/2022
Time: 9:00 am - 10:00 am Day: Thursday
Time: 9:00 am
Thursday: October 6, 2022 Location: Community Room
Time: 10:00 am- 11:00 am Comic Book Club
September Estate Planning
- Antique Comic Book Seminar
October Need help with estate planning?
- Scary Comics for Halloween Have questions and need
answers? Join Suzanne Bayer for
Membership Fee's an informational seminar about
Due to the Budget passing Estate Planning.
on 8/22/22, please note Date: 10/10/2022
Membership fees will now be Day: Monday
$10.00 Time: 9:30am
starting SEPTEMBER 1, 2022 Location: Community Room
Volunteer Banquet September FC Monthly Lunch
Save the Date!!! Our Volunteer Day: Monday
Appreciation Dinner will be on Date: 9/19/22
12/5/2022! Watch for your invitation Time: 12:00- 1:00 pm
in the mail! Location: WSC
Cost: $11.00 Members/$13.00 Non- Members
Medicare Open Enrollment– Catered by: Fresh Coast. Boxed lunch
2023 Do’s & Don’ts includes 6" Sub, Pickle Spear, Pasta
Join Nancy Courser as she explains the do’s Salad OR Coleslaw, Cookie and a can
and don’t during Open Enrollment which runs of pop! Entertainment TBD.
from 10/17-12/7. This class will help you October Fellowship Club Monthly Lunch
reevaluate your existing plan and provide
resources and tools to make the right decision Day: Monday
for January 1, 2023. Date: 10/31/22
Date: 9/18/2022 Time: 12:00 - 1:00 pm
Day: Monday Location: WSC
Time: 9:00-10:00am Cost: $8.00 Members/$10.00 Non-Members
Location: CR Catered by: Frankie V's. Pizza, Salad, Desert
& Drink. Don't miss out on this one! Wear your
costumes and be ready to play some games.