Page 6 - Active Living - Sep/Oct 2022
P. 6


     Firekeepers Casino                      Ed Dunneback                 Van Gogh: The Immersive
     Come test your luck in Battle           and Girls                    Experience
     Creek as we travel to Firekeepers       Kick off your Fall season    Have you ever dreamt of stepping into a
     Casino! Please note cost increase       with a trip to the farm!     painting? Take an awe-inspiring journey into the
     due to increased fuel costs.            The farm has a market,       incomparable universe of Van Gogh, one of the
     Cost:     $37.00                        u-pick produce, a full       greatest artistic geniuses of the 19th century.
     Depart:  8:30 am                        cafe and bakery, and         Explore his life, his work, and his secrets as
     Return:  4:30 pm                        much more! Bring             never before through cutting-edge 360-degree
     Dates:   11/14/22                       spending money as            digital projections, a one-of-a-kind VR
     Day:       Monday                       registration fees only       experience, and a uniquely atmospheric light
     Trip Rating: 2                          covers transportation.       and sound show.
      *Host needed for this trip - See       Cost: $7.00 (bring           Cost:    $26.00
     staff at front desk.
                                             spending money)              Depart: 12:45 pm
     Little River Casino                     Time:  10:30 - 2:30          Return:  4:00 pm
     Join us for a day in Manistee at the    Date:  10/18/22              Dates:   10/3/2022
     Casino! Please note cost increase       Day:    Tuesday              Day: Monday
     due to increased fuel costs.            Trip Rating: 3               Trip Rating: 2
     Cost:     $37.00                                                     Lunch at the Heritage
     Depart:  7:30 am                                                     Back by popular demand! The Heritage is a
     Return:  4:30 pm                                                     fine dining experience with world-class
     Dates:   10/24/22                                                    service, staffed by culinary school students
     Day:       Monday                                                    under the direct supervision of Chef
     Trip Rating: 2                                                       Professors and Table Service Providers.
                                                                          Price includes multi-course meal, beverage,
                                                                          dessert, and transportation.
     Senior Resources Progressive Tour                                    Date:    9/29/2022
                                                                          Day:      Thursday
     It would not be Fall without our annual Senior                       Time:    11:00am-1:30pm
     Resources Progressive Tour! Join us as we travel to                  Fee:       $30.00
     new locations and learn about different resources
     for older adults in West Michigan!
     Cost:   $5.00                                   Walking Tour
     Time:   9:30am-2:00pm                           (transportation not provided)
     Date:   10/20/22
     Day:     Thursday                               Art Dart Walking Tour:  ART PRIZE 1
     Trip Rating: 2/3                                9/21/22 Wednesday 6:00 pm. $18.00

                                                     Art Dart Walking Tour:  ART PRIZE 2
   Frankenmuth Day Trip                              9/28/22 Wednesday 6:00 pm $18.00
   Back by popular demand! We will spend the day
   shopping, site seeing, lunch downtown,            Fulton Street Graveyard Walking Tour
   Bronner’s Christmas store, and more! Please       10/10/22 Monday 6:00 pm $18.00
   bring money for meals and shopping.
   Registration fees includes transportation via     Grand Rapids Most Haunted Walking Tour - Fall Fan Favorite!
   charter bus.                                      10/17/22 Monday 6:00 pm $18.00
   Cost:      $30
   Depart:   7:30am                                  Heritage Hill Hauntings Walking Tour
   Return:   5:00pm                                  10/24/22 Monday 6:00 pm $18.00
   Dates:    11/28/2022                              *See front desk for more details.
   Day:        Monday

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