Page 8 - Active Living - Sep/Oct 2022
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Wyoming Senior Center
    2380 DeHoop Avenue SW                                            The secret of staying young is to
    Wyoming, MI  49509                                                live honestly, eat slowly, and lie
    (616) 530-3190                                                             about your age.

                                                                               What we have once enjoyed we

                                                                               can never lose. All that we love
                                                                                deeply becomes a part of us.

                                                   Who We Are

     WSC Fellowship Club                                        Get acquainted and stop in today!
     You can become a member of the Wyoming Senior              We're open Monday through Thursday
     Fellowship Club, Inc. Dues are just $6 annually. You do    7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
     not need to be a member of the Fellowship Club to
     participate in any program or event offered at the WSC.            (616) 530-3190
     Please welcome our new Members in
     July and August                                          

     Ruth Tillottson           Dee & Steven Tokarski           -
     Diane VanAllsbur          John & Lynda Possett                     Wyoming/Wyoming-Senior-Center
     Mindy Dekker              Joyce Vanderroe
     Dave Shanley              Jerrilynn Anderson                       @wyomingseniorcenter
     Bonnie Widmayer           Jerry Valkier
     Patricia Langdon          Steven Harms
     Sharon Curtis             Peter Wynbelt
     Gertrude Murphey          Nelly Terpstra
     Jan Stine                 Ted Braciak
     Shirley Susick            David Mayes
     Steve Fisk                Paulette Viau
     Jeanne Benedict           Russell Ballard
     Cheryl Bignall            Sondra Blume
     David & Linda Larowe      Shinichi Sato
     Robin Price               Raul Gonzalez
      Benefits of Membership
         Discounted Program Fees
         Voting rights
         Free coffee and donut the week of your birthday
            (when the Coffee Shop is open)
         Opportunities for participation on the Finance
         and Activity Committees                           8
         Free Annual Picnic in August!
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